Sunday, November 4, 2007

Week 5: #11 A Thing about Library Thing/1

Week 5: #11 A Thing about Library Thing

My user name is bonsaiglory. I know this is sad but I am not a big time book reader. I'm more interested in history, gossip and magazines. Every now and than I would come across a book that makes me laugh but that is every blue moon.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 3: #7 Photo Editing Tools

Originally uploaded by rancis1974

Week 5: #10 Play around with Image Generators /MY MINI AVATARS

Yahoo! Avatars

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4: #9 Finding Feeds

It's easier for me to save the blog info. on to the Feed icon and create a folder and organize friends form co-worker. Search option gives me the opportunity to find a specific note/text that was posted.

Week 4: #8 Make life "really simple" with RSS and a newsreader

Creating your Blogline is not as hard as it seems.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Brain Teaser/ Will post answer 10/1/2007

Jimmy's mother had 4 children. She named the first Monday. Named the second Tuesday. The third is named Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child?

Answer/ The 4th child is Jimmie. His mom only had 4 kids

Brain Teaser/Answer post 10/1/2007

Please add the following numbers in your head.Start with
Write down your answer. You will be surprised.
Answer: 4,100

Brain Teaser/Anwer will post 10/5/2007

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I say it is the chicken, but brain teaser say
Answer: the egg. Dinosaurs laid eggs far before there were chickens.

Brain Teaser Quiz/ Can you do it. Answer will post 10/5/2007

You are driving a bus. At the first stop, 2 women get on. The second stop, 3 men get on and 1 woman gets off. Third stop, 3 kids and their mom get on, and a man gets off. The bus is grey, and it is raining outside. What color is the bus drivers hair?
Answer:What ever color your hair is. Remember you are the bus driver!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

tiff and happy clown

tiff and happy clown
Originally uploaded by rancis1974
2007 Spanish Heritage mo.

Mos Def

Mos Def
Originally uploaded by rancis1974
Poet king!!

Tiff and Ebony in GA

Tiff and Ebony in GA
Originally uploaded by rancis1974